“Greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice and discipline.”

– Jim Collins, Author and business leadership expert

The potential for development resides within each of us. Executive Coaching helps senior leaders reach that potential.

Coaching is for both emerging leaders – new to a leadership role or about to move up, and for established leaders ready to develop beyond their current practices. At the Wunderlin Company, we help leaders identify specific areas that need improvement and give you the tools to improve in measurable ways. We will both challenge you and support you through this process.

A productive coaching relationship has the power to increase your “range of motion,” broaden your repertoire of responses, and help you gain perspective on your own experiences.

We’ve  use a three-step approach for building the most productive coaching relationships possible and maximizing the value of that relationship to you:

  1. Diagnose – Find out exactly “where you are now” – identify your strengths and your development opportunities. We use tools to establish baselines, including the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®, The Birkman Method®, and Hogan Assessments.  In addition we gather feedback via interviews or a 360 instrument. This foundation of rich, objective data builds a “hologram” of your current performance.  Learning your baseline is critical to making change.
  2. Plan – The coaching relationship actually has three participants – the coachee, coach, and leader/ sponsor. All three legs of this stool must be in alignment to get the most benefit. The last thing a coachee wants to hear from leadership is “that’s not at all what you need to work on!” When all three participants are aligned toward the same goal, the coachee and the organization with which they work can sing. We start by defining your vision of the executive you want to be. Then we work with you to create a development plan with specific action steps and goals for improvement. The intense data collection of the diagnosis step allows us to deeply personalize the plan, factoring your baseline into your needs and goals. Your development plan will be focused, specific, and actionable.
  3. Coach – As your coach, we provide encouragement, accountability, direct and indirect feedback, and a secure place to strategize about how to handle issues and opportunities. An effective coach both supports and challenges clients. This combination is essential to maintaining the motivation to learn and grow.

Recommended Reading:

Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive

How to Use (and How to Choose) an Executive Coach

Sharpening the Saw

Get the Right People on the Bus

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From mid-level managers to the C-Suite, executive coaching gives you tools to build on success, increase impact, and leave behind habits that no longer work for you.

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